Presidents meet face-to-face as preparations to become a TU step up

Presidents meet face-to-face as preparations to become a TU step up

News, Staff News / Tuesday 1 September 2020

Discussion on range of issues in preparation for academic year and TU submission

The Presidents of all three Institutes of the Connacht-Ulster Alliance met in person for the first time since national restrictions were imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Presidents of LYIT, IT Sligo and GMIT have continued to meet on a weekly basis online throughout lockdown restrictions but welcomed the return to face-to-face talks as preparations step up in the institutes' ambitions to become a Technological University next year.  

Known as Working Group 1, the group is chaired by Martin Cronin and comprises of the three Institute Presidents with Dr Seán Duffy, CUA Executive Project Lead, also present.

The first face-to-face meeting in nearly six months, took place on 28 August on the LYIT campus.  The group discussed a range of issues in preparing for the start of the 2020/2021 academic year including a review of the draft TU Vision and Mission Statements, a CUA Work Plan (September – December 2020) and Internal and External Engagement.  A submission to become a Technological University will be made by the CUA this December.  

Caption (l-r):  Paul Hannigan, President, LYIT; Dr Brendan McCormack, President, IT Sligo; Martin Cronin, Chair, CUA Working Group 1; Seán Duffy, CUA Executive Project Lead; and Dr Orla Flynn, President, GMIT.